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企业文化 Enterprise culture











★  顾客至上原则——研究与满足顾客需求是永恒的工作主线。

★  决策原则——以共识为基础,多选择并行考虑,立即验证,不急于决策。

★  沟通原则——重视沟通的作用,强调面对面、跨部门、多层级的定时沟通,沟通“为什么”比“做什么”更重


★  持续改善原则——持续消除八大浪费——过量生产浪费,不良生产浪费,多余工序浪费,过多库存浪费,物料搬运浪费,多余动作浪费,等待时间浪费,员工创造力浪费。

★  一个流原则——现场应达成“三无”——无间隔、无间断、问题无处无时隐藏。

★  预防原则——重视防错纠错方法的应用。

★  现地现物原则——解决问题和优化流程必须追溯源头、亲自观察,并验证所得数据与情况。

★  技术应用原则——技术应用的合理性比先进性更重要,市场的成熟性比需求的潜在性更重要。验证充分可弥补设计的缺陷;验证标准的积淀与改善是设计规范的基础。

★  标准化原则——业务组织流程化、记录表单标准化、操作手段信息化是提升团队效率的重要途径。

Enterprise vision: clean power system service provider.

Enterprise mission: in employee identity, customer satisfaction, based on cooperative partners continued ascension of the realization of shareholder value.

Long-term development concept: hectogram to to the development staff to hectogram proud, proud of the customer to hongrunde

The core culture: respecting people

Core values: integrity, innovation, speed, symmetry

Core competence: team learning capability

Method of work: the target is the same, the method is proper, the resources to keep up with, the result is expected to

Business innovation, management application, clarify the situation, problem analysis

To reveal the contradictions and find out the way, formation mechanism, to achieve a win-win situation

Hectogram nine work principle:

* customer first principle study and meet customer demand is the eternal work line.

* decision principles of consensus based, multi choice parallel consideration, verified immediately, do not rush to a decision.

* Communication Principles -- pay attention to the role of communication, emphasizing the timing of face-to-face communication, cross sectoral, multi tier communication "why", "what to do" is more important than

To. "The changes shall be at the beginning of, switch to the meeting".

* continuous improvement principles -- continue eliminating waste -- waste of overproduction, bad production waste, extra processing waste, waste material handling excess inventory, waste, excess motion waste, waste waste of waiting time, employee creativity.

* a flow principle -- the scene should reach the "three noes" - free interval, without interruption, no place to hide.

* precautionary principle -- focus on Application of error prevention and error correction method.

* genchi genbutsu principles: problem solving and optimization process must trace back to the source, personally observed, and verify the obtained data and situation.

* application technology principle -- Applied Technology of rationality is more important than advanced, mature market is more important than potential demand. Fully validated can compensate for the design defects; accumulation and improve verification standard is the basis of the design specifications.

* standardization principle -- business flow, record form standardization, operation of the means of information is an important approach to improve team efficiency.

周一至周五 :8:30-17:30
周六至周日 :9:00-17:00